

Grammar &

Idioms Lesson


Over-the-Hump-Wednesday Grammar & Idioms Lesson

November 20th, 2019

 Dear NESE Community: As your Over-the-Hump team looked out the window this morning, we noticed how very strong the winds were. Shakespeare, in his beautiful Sonnet of Love (18), mentions rough winds: "Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:" We can’t compete with Shakespeare, but here are some other ways of describing wind that you might find interesting. Draft (North American spelling) Draught (Non-North American spelling) - This is a type of wind that comes into a room or a space from under a door or through a broken window. We complain about a drafty room. Breeze -This is a light gentle wind. Scotland in summer is full of warm breezes. Gust - This is a strong, sudden movement of wind. There is a famous photo of Marilyn Monroe where a gust of wind is blowing up her dress. Hurricane - This is a violent wind storm. In the United States, we see them most often in the Southeast. We hope your week is not too windy. Until next week, as always, we send our kind regards, Your NESE Over-the-Hump Team www.nese.edu onlineclasses.nese.edu

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