

Grammar &

Idioms Lesson


Over-the-Hump-Wednesday Grammar & Idioms Lesson

November 13th, 2019
















This week, one of our delightful Over-the-Hump team members was cleaning her house thoroughly because she will be moving soon. While working hard, she noticed how much “elbow grease” is required to actually make a pot look new again - and as she thought about this, she thought about other “clean”  idioms. She - and all of us - hope you enjoy them.


1. Elbow Grease is:

A. A special cleaning product used to remove grease

B. Hard physical work especially related to cleaning

C. The repeated back-and-forth movement of the elbow, especially evident in cleaning










2. Squeaky Clean is:

A. The noise a mouse makes when he is scared

B. The noise an old floorboard might make when you walk on it

C. A way to describe something that is very clean














3. As Clean As a Whistle is:

A. Very clean

B. A type of inexpensive whistle

C. Not speaking honestly


4. A Clean Break is:

A. A mini-vacation used to clean your house

B. An item that is broken straight down the middle

C. A complete separation from a situation


5. To Clean Up Your Act is:

A. To behave better

B. To become a better actor

C. To clean the house better



















Answers: 1:B & C, 2:C, 3:A, 4:C, 5:A


As always, we send you our kind (and clean) regards,


Your NESE Over-the-Hump Team





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